ALPACADABRAZ are aiming to be a worldwide Gaming brand. Whether you enjoy competing for large eSports prizes or simply like playing casual games, we've got it all covered!
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Pacas are going Esports! We will consistently host official tournaments as we aim to become a global Esports brand.
Each tournament, and as many participants as possible, will be featured on our Twitch and Youtube live streams! The streams will be hosted and casted in-house, with PhilFTW and Andrea as Shoutcaster & Colorcaster.
Our very first tournament already has a prize pool of over $10,000. This is just the beginning of our larger Esports plans.
Each participant that sets a decent time will receive a POAP (Proof of Attendance Protocol). These POAPs can be used for utility later on. You can for example win different traits to wear on your 3D avatar!
September 24, 2022
Paca-Attack is a game created in-house by ALPACADABRAZ. Battle your way into the top-15 fastest times to earn $SAND tokens and 3D Pacas. Missed the top-15? No problem, you will still receive a POAP for your efforts!